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About Us


Our mission at Benjamin Academy Daycare is to create an inclusive learning environment that fosters academic excellence, spiritual maturity, and self-awareness. We believe in nurturing a safe and caring atmosphere that encourages positive self-image and a love for learning.


To be the BEST childcare center to cultivate children to become our next generation by experiencing diversity through real world lessons.


Benjamin Academy Daycare believes education is a priority for all ages. We identify characteristics that make each child unique. After identifying each child’s learning style we adapt activities that highlight strengths while encouraging them to push through the challenges.

About Us

Benjamin Academy Daycare was founded by a native of Nebraska, Troy Lawrence. Ms Lawrence has over 20 years experience in serving her community. She has devoted her time and work experience as a foster parent, family support worker and independent living specialists. Benjamin Academy Daycare is a dream come true for Ms. Lawrence. Troy started from an in-home II care to a center in the North Omaha area surrounding local schools. Our target families are in this area to support early childhood education that can not afford preschool. We will serve as an advocate to business owners, teachers, community partners and schools to empower higher learning. Statistics show North Omaha is considered low social economic status, single family homes with a higher dropout rate. A high quality center in the area will create innovators that acknowledge learning is fun. To change the narrative we need to look within our community and Benjamin Academy Daycare will be a part of this change. I will make a difference one child at a time!

What Makes Us Special?

In Benjamin Academy Daycare makes children special is their individuality, developmental journey, interests, cultural background, relationships, learning styles, emotional expression, and contributions to the group. Embracing and celebrating each child’s uniqueness creates a nurturing and inclusive environment where children can thrive and grow.

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